Bellin College Care and Share Cupboard

“The Care and Share Cupboard is a space that is showing community in action. It is giving us the opportunity to showcase and to commit to our mission and values.” – Dr. Benjamin Rieth, Director of Student Affairs

The Care and Share Cupboard is a resource designed to aid students in need of essential items. This is an open resource is located at the Resch Campus, but open for all students. We want you to feel open to use the cupboard whenever you need it. If you are running low on any food or household items and money is tight that week, visit the cupboard! Maybe you forgot something or don’t have time to run to the store, you can use the cupboard for that too! Our goal is for the Care and Share Cupboard to lessen your burdens and make things a little easier. 

The Cupboard is located in the lower level in room L18A. Students can visit the cupboard during regular college hours as many times as they need. We encourage students to take what they require. However, we kindly request that you be mindful of your fellow students, leaving enough for others. The cupboard will be restocked regularly. It is recommended to bring your own bag. It is important that all students who visit the Cupboard complete the exit survey using the QR code posted on the door. The survey allows us to know how frequently the cupboard is being used and what items are needed

How To Donate To The Cupboard

Non-perishable donations can be brought to Emily Caelwaerts in room 111. Frozen items can be placed directly in the freezer in room L18A. Frequently needed items include:

  • Frozen meals
  • Frozen meats
  • Cereal
  • Individual or large bags of snacks like chips/popcorn/pretzels/crackers
  • Microwavable mac and cheese
  • Boxes of pasta
  • Tampons
  • NEW clothing such as underwear, t-shirts, socks, etc.

Any questions can be directed to Emily Caelwaerts at

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