Alcohol and Drug Policy & Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention Program (DAAPP)
Bellin College Alcohol and Drug Policies and Sanction College Policy Concerning Drugs and Alcohol
The purpose of this policy is to provide an alcohol and drug-free environment for faculty, students, administration, and support staff at Bellin College in order that the College may carry out its mission and comply with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988. As well as to allow appropriate events at the college’s discretion to allow alcohol in moderation.
Bellin College is committed to maintaining a drug-free campus. Given this objective, the college prohibits the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession or use of illegal drugs on its property or as part of any of its activities. Legal sanctions under federal, state, and local laws for the possession or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol will be upheld.
Health Effects
Specific serious health risks are associated with the use of alcohol and illicit drugs. Some of the major risks are listed below:
Alcohol and Other Depressants (barbiturates, sedatives, and tranquilizers)
Addiction, accidents as a result of impaired ability and judgment, alcohol poisoning, overdose when used with other depressants, damage to a developing fetus, heart and liver damage.
Impair short-term memory, thinking, and physical coordination. Can cause panic reaction and increase the risk of lung cancer and emphysema. Can interfere with judgment, attention span, concentration, and overall intellectual performance. Impairs driving ability. May cause psychological dependence and compromise the immune system.
Addiction, cardiovascular system damage including heart attack, brain damage, seizures, lung damage, severe depression, paranoia, psychosis. Similar risks are associated with other stimulants, such as speed and uppers.
Tobacco smoke contains thousands of chemical compounds, many of which are known to cause cancer. Nicotine, which is a central nervous system stimulant, produces an increase in heart and respiration rates, blood pressure, adrenaline production and metabolism. People can rapidly become physically and psychologically dependent on tobacco.
Prescription Drug Abuse
Adverse reactions, dependency, withdrawal and overdose.
Campus and Community Resources
Vice President of Student Affairs, Enrollment, and Belonging – 920-639-3609
List of community resources, advise on finding the ‘next step. Student Code of Conduct– Address student behavior, enforces policies and procedures, and provide clarification on acceptable use standards.
UWill – Counseling Services
Address substance abuse concerns through individual counseling as part of a co-occurring disorder, individualized referrals based on situation, drug and alcohol education available on request.
Please go to your Canvas page and click on help and resources or email for UWill access.
Bellevue Police Department – 920-448-4200
Respond to immediate safety concerns regarding drugs or alcohol use, questions regarding the legalities of drugs and alcohol, available to do educational presentations.
Bellin Human Resources Department – 920-445-7240
List of health system resources available for employees enforces policies and procedures for employees.
Jackie Nitschke Center (Community Resource) – 920-435-2093
Detox/Short-term Inpatient Facility & Outpatient Program.
Libertas Treatment Center (Community Resource) – 920-498-8600
Substance abuse treatment services and detoxification; outpatient counseling treatment; holistic rehabilitation treatment.