

Nursing students attend convention

Lauren Harvey, left, and Caroline Wagner.

Caroline Wagner Lauren Harvey represented Bellin College on Oct. 31-Nov. 2 at the National Student Nurses’ Association MidYear Convention in Chicago, Illinois. Lauren Harvey, BSN class of 2020, is the STAT editor for the Wisconsin Student Nurses’ Association and Caroline Wagner, BSN class of 2020, serves as president.

They attended the convention with several other WSNA board members. They heard from numerous leaders and nursing speaking panels and networked with about 450 nursing students from around the nation. Wagner also was elected to serve on the NSNA Council of State Presidents Planning Committee as the Northern Region representative. This role gives her the chance to continue networking with other state presidents as well as plan the Council of State Presidents (COSP) meeting with three other regional committee members at NSNA’s annual convention in April in Orlando, Florida. 

Wagner and Harvey also joined together with a few other nursing students from around the nation to make a campaign to recruit more members to join NSNA. They got creative with a nursing diagnosis to encourage people to join NSNA to be eligible to receive scholarships. Their poster won second place.

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